MIO Mivue 538

MIO Mivue 538
alaScore 83

116 anmeldelser

Mar 2025

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 116 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider.

Gennemsnitligt vurderede brugere dette produkt til 87/100 og eksperter vurderede dette produkt 60/100.


(Baseret på 116 anmeldelser)




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Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for MIO Mivue 538


alaTest has collected and analyzed 86 user reviews of MIO Mivue 538 from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 4.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.co.uk.

97% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per MIO Mivue 538


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 5 recensioni utente su MIO Mivue 538 da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 1.0/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.2/5 per altri prodotti su Amazon.it.

0% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: Mio MiVue 538 Drive Recorder Registratore Personale per la Guida con GPS integrato, Full HD 1080p, NeroMio MiVue 538 Drive Recorder Registratore Personale per la Guida con GPS integrato, Full HD 1080p, Nero

Mar 2025

Ekspertanmeldelse af (which.co.uk)

Mio MiVue 538 Deluxe review

  (Vurdering Skjult)

The Mio MiVue 538 Deluxe is full of useful features, including a GPS receiver that tracks the route you've travelled and synchronises it with Google Maps. We took it out on the road to see whether the features and footage impressed us.

Jun 2015

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Ionuţ Bălan (mobzine.ro)

Review camera auto MiVue 538 cu GPS


Deja o cameră auto nu mai e un moft, devine o obligativitate pentru toți cei ce vor să facem și în România un trafic civilizat. Ca să nu mai spun de situațiile urâte în care o înregistrare video poate să arate că tu ca șofer ai dreptate, nu un organ...

Aug 2014

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Ленар Хайруллин (megaobzor.com)

Обзор и тест Mio MiVue 538. Видеорегистратор с GPS


Современные видеорегистраторы не ограничиваются лишь функцией видеозаписи. Развернулась самая настоящая гонка вооружений. Сегодня у нас на тестах новый видеорегистратор от Mio Technology. Модель Mio MiVue 538 была выпущена совместно с MiVue 568 и MiVue...

Mio MiVue 538 – это хорошо сбалансированный видеорегистратор с возможностями GPS-трекера и радар-детектора. Хорошо узнаваемый корпус с новой начинкой, обновление улучшило качество съемки и быстродействие системы. Высокое качество ночной съемки и...

Jun 2014

Ekspertanmeldelse af (besteproduct.nl)

Mio MiVue 538 DeLuxe


Ziet er niet goed uit, maar de Mio MiVue 538 DeLuxe is ook nog niet vaak getest. Nieuwe testen kunnen de score verhogen maar het zal lastig zijn voor de Mio MiVue 538 DeLuxe om nog een dikke voldoende te scoren. Voor de zekerheid kun je de ranglijst...

Brugeranmeldelse (currys.co.uk)

MIO MiVue 538D Dashboard Camera - Black


The mount is very good easy to fit and remove the device without disturbing the screen mount

Easy to turn on\/off by mistake with side button when fitting to mount or removing but only a minor bad point. Just turn off or on again

Jun 2015

Brugeranmeldelse (currys.co.uk)

MIO MiVue 538D Dashboard Camera - Black


Definitely a good buy, I bought it for my partner as a gift and he is very happy with the purchase. will recommend it to others

Jun 2015

Brugeranmeldelse (currys.co.uk)

MIO MiVue 538D Dashboard Camera - Black


Easy to set up and the download the speed camera locations. Quality of the HD images is very good

The warning sound volume is not loud enough and cannot be adjusted

Jun 2015

Brugeranmeldelse (currys.co.uk)

MIO MiVue 538D Dashboard Camera - Black


Auto start and forget

Non exIstent battery life

Jun 2015

Brugeranmeldelse (currys.co.uk)

MIO MiVue 538D Dashboard Camera - Black


Easy to use and good picture

Windscreen has insufficient adjustment range to permit camera to be aligned to view road rather than sky

Jun 2015

Brugeranmeldelse (currys.co.uk)

MIO MiVue 538D Dashboard Camera - Black


Small neat and looks good quality

Sound could be louder

Jun 2015

Prissammenligning for MIO Mivue 538

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