LG WM2487H

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 173 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Mange kan virkelig godt lide designet. Også størrelsen imponerer, men pålideligheden værdsættes ikke af folk.

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Gennemsnitligt vurderede brugere dette produkt til 82/100.


(Baseret på 173 anmeldelser)

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Ekspertanmeldelse af (washingmachinewizard.com)

LG WM2487HRMA 4.2 Cu. Ft. Steam Washer


Product Overview This LG machine is a sleekly designed front-loading washer, which features dual LED displays and Intelligent Electronic Controls, which

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

plug outlets keep burning out


keeps frying the outlets

Nov 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

LG Washer - A Complete Oxymoron Nightmare!


PLEASE don't buy this machine! It is absolutely beautiful, and in theory is amazing. However, real life taught us something else. We bought this washing machine 2 years ago, in 2008. We spent over $3000 on the washer/dryer combo. It had glowing reviews...

Nov 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (shopping.com)

lq washer not all that great


I purchased LG washer 4 years ago. I was thinking it would save power and water. But the down fall is that the settings on the control pannel doesn't let you skip stages. So like if you wanted to respin the clothes do to unbalance of clothes, you can't...

four year still running with no problems. quiet machine

water is trapped inside the gasket which creates mold, mildew and smell around the glass

Okt 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)



We bought this washer two years ago at Sears. Last night it started making metal grinding noise and wouldn't spin any more. I had to take wet clothes out and let them drain in the bathtub before drying them. I am on the phone with repair man now. This...

Okt 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)



I spend more time trying to clean this machine to mold,than I do washing in it. It was great when I first purchased, then the smell started, then the discovery of mold all over the seal. I bleach, use white vinegar, run the tub clean,wipe it out, drain...

Okt 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (mysears.com)

I am totally in love with my LG front load washer w/steam wash,


We just purchased our new LG front load washer w/steam and I am so happy with it.  My husband jokes that it hasn't stopped going since we bought it!  I like the look, I like the choices of cycles and the steam and sanitary cycles work great.  My kids...

Sep 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (mysears.com)

Great with many features!


It consumes low electricity and water. It saves as much as, our electricity and water supply charges. I will recommend this product and off course all the products of LG as healthy and wealthy products. Healthy because it saves our energy which we...

Sep 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

Don't buy this one!


Constant smell plus constant mold. Tried draining the hose, which puts out a horrible smell, bleach, affresh. Nothing works! Just read on another site about a class action suit against LG for the same problems with my machine. It's not my water, its...

Jul 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (mysears.com)

highly recommended!!


highly recommended!!

Jun 2010

Prissammenligning for LG WM2487H

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