alaTest har samlet og analyseret 186 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Folk kan virkelig godt lide størrelsen. Også brugervenligheden imponerer, men pålideligheden værdsættes ikke af mange.

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Ekspertanmeldelse af (washingmachinewizard.com)

LG WM2016CW front load washer


The LG WM2016CW washing machine is just one example of LG's dedication to excellence in electronics and appliances. This washing machine has a number

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Good front-loader, usual advantages and disadvantages


It's sad that nobody in the US seems to make a reasonably-priced front-loading washer, and that even a machine like this one (Korean company, presumably made in Korea) is relatively expensive. Maybe they're expensive in Europe and Korea too. Maybe they...

It's a front-loader, usual in Europe and still unusual in the US for home machines. Like any other front-loader, it uses less water than most top-loaders and seems to get clothes cleaner, and the high spin speed means that clothes are relatively dry...

This model holds a somewhat small load, and full cycles take rather longer than in my old top-loader -- I'd say about twice as long. I live alone and tend to do a cluster of loads of laundry when the clean clothes and bedsheets are about to run out,...

Dec 2009

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Good front-loader, usual advantages and disadvantages


It's sad that nobody in the US seems to make a reasonably-priced front-loading washer, and that even a machine like this one (Korean company, presumably made in Korea) is relatively expensive. Maybe they're expensive in Europe and Korea too. Maybe they...

It's a front-loader, usual in Europe and still unusual in the US for home machines. Like any other front-loader, it uses less water than most top-loaders and seems to get clothes cleaner, and the high spin speed means that clothes are relatively dry...

This model holds a somewhat small load, and full cycles take rather longer than in my old top-loader -- I'd say about twice as long. I live alone and tend to do a cluster of loads of laundry when the clean clothes and bedsheets are about to run out,...

Dec 2009

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

violent washer


My washer has created havoc on the house. Although it washes well and has saved on the electricity and water bills, the spin cycle shakes the house. Every time a load of laundry is done, the LG washer creates a mini earthquake in the house. I'm at the...

Dec 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

Glass Door Shattered!


I echo some of the other posters - during spin cycle the glass door of my washer shattered! If anyone was in the room when it happened, someone would have been seriously hurt. I called LG and Sears. Neither one would pay for someone to come out and...

Dec 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

Broken Door Glass


Heard what sounded like crash and frt door glass all over floor had to fight with lg for warranty glass should have been made of safty glass or shattered type glass, this glass when it broke was large SHARP PIECES not very safe for company who prides...

Nov 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

Are you kidding me???


How is it that my dirty clothes smell better BEFORE they go through the wash??? My LG STINKS - literally!! Today I tried to de-stink the washer only to find a science experiment growing on the rubber gasket. I wore gloves and old clothes to clean my...

Okt 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)



I had my washer since July 2010, my eletricity, gas and water bill has dramatically been reduced! I am so excited being a single mother with three children. I love how quiet the machine runs, the steam cycle, and the quick wash. I also got it on...

Okt 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)

awsome machines


have had washer and drier about 4 months now,awsome machines(WM2150,DLE2150)have seen dramatic savings in hydro already,have cleaned the door seal twice now and no smell or mildew,clean pump filter and detergent despense tray at recomended intervels...

Okt 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (washingmachinewizard.com)



Wife started a wash we went out came back, door glass was all over the floor any one else having a problem

Sep 2010

Prissammenligning for LG WM2016CW

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