Logitech Wireless Combo MK270

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 5091 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Anmeldere kan virkelig godt lide kvaliteten.

brugervenlighed, pris, kvalitet, design

Gennemsnitligt vurderede brugere dette produkt til 87/100 og eksperter vurderede dette produkt 65/100.


(Baseret på 5091 anmeldelser)



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Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Logitech Wireless Combo MK270


alaTest has collected and analyzed 694 user reviews of Logitech Wireless Combo MK270 from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 4.3/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.co.uk. Reviewers really like the design and durability. The size and price also get good feedback. There are some mixed reviews about the reliability.

usability, price, size, durability, design

90% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Logitech Wireless Combo MK270


alaTest has collected and analyzed 361 user reviews of Logitech Wireless Combo MK270 from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 4.4/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com. Reviewers really like the design and size. The reliability and price are also mentioned favorably, whereas reviews are divided on the durability.

usability, price, reliability, size, design

93% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.de)

Zusammenfassung der Amazon.de- Kundenbewertungen für Logitech Wireless Combo MK270


alaTest hat 108 Kundenbewertungen für Logitech Wireless Combo MK270 von Amazon.de zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.5/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte auf Amazon.de. Am positivsten ist den Testern die Bedienbarkeit und die Größe aufgefallen. Das Preisleistungsverhältnis wird auch positiv bewertet.

Design, Preisleistungsverhältnis, Größe, Bedienbarkeit

95% der Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon.de bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.fr)

Résumé des avis d’ Amazon.fr sur Logitech Wireless Combo MK270


alaTest a collecté et analysé 606 avis de consommateurs sur Amazon.fr pour le produit Logitech Wireless Combo MK270. La note moyenne du produit est 4.2 sur 5, tandis que les autres produits de même catégorie ont une note moyenne de 4.0 sur 5 sur Amazon.fr.

89% des avis sur Amazon.fr donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: Logitech Wireless Combo MK270 Ensemble Clavier AZERTY + Souris - Récepteur USB Compact NoirLogitech Wireless Combo MK270 Ensemble Clavier AZERTY + Souris - Récepteur USB Compact Noir

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per Logitech Wireless Combo MK270


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 1212 recensioni utente su Logitech Wireless Combo MK270 da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 4.4/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.3/5 per altri prodotti su Amazon.it.

95% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: Logitech Kit Tastiera e Mouse Wireless MK270, layout italiano QWERTYLogitech Kit Tastiera e Mouse Wireless MK270, layout italiano QWERTY

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.es)

Resumen de comentarios en Amazon.es sobre Logitech Wireless Combo MK270


alaTest ha recogido y analizado 272 comentarios de usuarios relacionados al producto Logitech Wireless Combo MK270 en Amazon.es. En promedio, la calificación de los usuarios para este producto es 4.3/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.2/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos en Amazon.es.

93% de los comentarios en Amazon.es otorgan a este producto una calificación positiva.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: Logitech MK270 - Pack de teclado y ratón (2.4 GHz, inalámbrico, Windows, QWERTY Español), negroLogitech MK270 - Pack de teclado y ratón (2.4 GHz, inalámbrico, Windows, QWERTY Español), negro

Mar 2025

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Ben Patterson (pcworld.com)

Logitech MK270 wireless keyboard & mouse review: A cheap keyboard with a springy feel


Available for as little as $20 online, the MK270 looks and feels a bit cheap, and it makes a fair amount of racket as you type. That said, the MK270's keys feel relatively springy and it's easy to set up.

Springy typing feel ; Customizable middle mouse button ; Super-easy setup

Both keyboard and mouse feel cheap ; Loud typing ; Only three programmable keys ; Limited Mac support

You’ll never mistake the Logitech MK270’s typing feel for that of a pricier mechanical model. The keys on this wireless keyboard feel reasonably good considering its bargain price, however, and the included mouse goes above and beyond with its...

Aug 2018

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Michael Stroup (appleinsider.com)

Logitech MK270 Keyboard and Mouse review: Good for budget buyers | AppleInsider


If you are in need of a set of budget peripherals for your Mac, the Logitech MK270 Keyboard Combo will work well with both your desktop and your wallet's needs.

Mar 2023

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Man.2 (pconline.com.cn)



PConline 评测】全球最著名的电脑周边设备供应商——罗技,是一家关注于创新和质量的瑞士公司,它设计出各种个人外围产品,帮助人们享受到更好的数字世界体验。对外设稍有了解的朋友都知道,罗技所出外设无论品质还是体验都显出龙头大哥的风范,尤其中高端市场份额,更是占据着重要地位。如今罗技推出一款面向入门级市场产品——罗技MK270无线鼠键套装,对于预算不足的用户,相信这款产品非常适合。


Nov 2011

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Does what it needs


- Works from plug in - Smooth for media work - Distance is fine from across the room

- Not a gaming keyboard and mouse, not responsive enough

Maj 2016

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

7 months later, extremely power efficient.


-I recommend -flawless product in my experience -no input lag withing my usual range of 10 - 15 ft from transmitter

-works so good -7 months and about 150 intense gaming hours later. The included duracell replaceable batteries still work. Used my voltage reader they are at 1.51volts now. Brand new they are about 1.6volts, so not much change. I like this, bluetooth...

-absolutley none -wish it had LEDs for backlight

Maj 2016

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

A bit picky


For the price it is worth it, holds up to minor gaming, have not tried it with more intensive games.

Cheap wireless combo for htpc. On/off switches are nice for the battery ocd in all of us.

I originally had it plugged into a usb 3.0 port and the keyboard was constantly dropping characters and the mouse was spotty on tracking. Once I plugged it into a usb 2.0 port it works perfectly. I only have one usb 2.0 port on the side of the case so...

Maj 2016

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Logitech Wireless Combo MK27


I gave this product a low rating before because I started having issues with it lagging or not responding at all. I found out the problem was my GPU settings, believe it or not. I put in a better GPU and the mouse/keyboard works fine now.

It works great.

If you have a problem with Logitech Wireless Combo MK27 where it starts lagging or not responding at all, either update your video drivers or back off your video settings when gaming.

Apr 2016

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

The perfect product!


All in all, i really love this product! I got it because im tired of the cables everywhere in front of me. This products works great for gaming as well.

- Easy to setup - Looks nice - Love the easy access buttons on the top (volume, home, sleep mode, calculator) - On.Off buttons

- The fact that there is no Number lock light to indicate if my numlock is on.

Apr 2016

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Great Value and has good quality feel for price...no regrets.


Lucked out I guess with good responsiveness of this keyboard...not sure why some have connection issues. I'd say this IS a quality item, greeat price and more value than price. Buy it...you won;t regret it...

Does what it's supposed to do. Range is fine for me. I have 2: one on desk close to receiver and one in living room HTPC at a good distance and does not lose connection or such. It's lightweight, yet sturdy; like I said above, has a quality-feel to it...

Not really a con, but it feels slightly more compact than the keyboard (wired) I had before on desk (also a Logitech, with a few faded key letters) but that was a beefier keyboard that I had for years...

Apr 2016

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Works very well


would recommend and purchase again

Tactile keyboard. I use this in a PC connected to TV environment for Battlefield at 60 inches, works fine for that, no lag or issues.

wish the mouse had a few more buttons.

Apr 2016

Prissammenligning for Logitech Wireless Combo MK270

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