A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 63 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Mange kan virkelig godt lide pålideligheden.

brugervenlighed, pris, kvalitet, design, pålidelighed

Gennemsnitligt vurderede brugere dette produkt til 87/100 og eksperter vurderede dette produkt 75/100.


(Baseret på 63 anmeldelser)



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Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard


alaTest has collected and analyzed 17 user reviews of A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 3.9/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.co.uk. Reviewers really like the reliability and design. The durability and price also get good views, whereas reviews about the size and usability are mixed.

price, durability, design, reliability

82% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.de)

Zusammenfassung der Amazon.de- Kundenbewertungen für A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard


alaTest hat 16 Kundenbewertungen für A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard von Amazon.de zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.5/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte auf Amazon.de. Die Bedienbarkeit wird von den Testern positiv bewertet, das Design wird auch positiv bewertet.

Design, Bedienbarkeit

94% der Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon.de bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 10 recensioni utente su A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 4.6/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.3/5 per altri prodotti su Amazon.it.

100% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: A4 Tech X7-G800V TastieraA4 Tech X7-G800V Tastiera

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.es)

Resumen de comentarios en Amazon.es sobre A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard


alaTest ha recogido y analizado 7 comentarios de usuarios relacionados al producto A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard en Amazon.es. En promedio, la calificación de los usuarios para este producto es 4.4/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.2/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos en Amazon.es.

86% de los comentarios en Amazon.es otorgan a este producto una calificación positiva.

Mar 2025

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Paul Urquhart (pcworld.co.nz)

A4tech X7 G800


I had to laugh when I went to check out the X7 G800 gaming keyboard on A4tech's website - word for word, here is one of their selling points: '5-Star waterproof design - lets you keep your eyes on the game - eat, spill, sweat or cry over your keyboard...

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Shiftdelete.net (shiftdelete.net)

A4 Tech X7 G800 İnceleme


Bir klavye düşünün. Oyun oynarken size bir çok avantaj sağlıyor. Hatta normal klavyelerden 3 kat daha hızlı. A4 Tech X7 G800 inceleme altında.

Maj 2009

Ekspertanmeldelse af : LugerP08 (yopi.de)

1A Maus für hohe Ansprüche


Preis/Leistung uvm.(s.Bericht)


Okt 2008

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Best Mouse


Red quick fire button slows down fire rates on a fully auto rifle.

Heavy , Good DPI , Smooth! I found this mouse to be very nice, helped with my flying in BF2

Smooth top gets dirty so it needs to be cleaned atleast once a week

Apr 2006

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

ohh and....


just thought of a good reason to get the x750f insead of this. if you take a look at the bottom of this model the ccd sensor is right in the middle of it, on the x750f it is more towards the back of the mouse. I know it's not a big deal but when you...

ahh yeah read the comments.... and newegg please get the x750f model the masses need it

blah blah i covered this in my last review

Apr 2006

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)



I like it, especially for its price, and will buy another one if it breaks just because of the options and extra buttons.

Great mouse, ive been beating on it and have found no flaws so far. Great response, Love the DPI adjuster behind the scroll wheel for bf2 cuz when i go from on foot to tank, i like to speed it up, and when i go sniping, i turn it down for accuracy....

The only problem ive found with it was the little rubber thumb grip. If it get anything wet or greasy on it it slides around a lot. Ive found this quite annoying when you cant hold and aim a mouse. Ive been wiping it off so much that the little rubber...

Apr 2006

Brugeranmeldelse (newegg.com)

Good so far


I just got the mouse yeasterday, and I got used to it quickly and eventually graduated from the defualt 600 DPI to being comfortable with 1200 DPI. Highly recommened mouse for the bucks.

The ability to change your DPI on the fly from 600-2000 DPI is excellent. Also, the 3x fire button may not seem satisfying at first because it shoots a little slow, but if youre taking a mid-long range shot with a rifle, hitting that button while...

None, except maybe that I myself have a little trouble getting to the first button. The design of the mouse seems to be for people who have their hand closer to the front

Mar 2006

Brugeranmeldelse (heise.de)



Also ich schreibe jetzt seit über 30 Jahren mit Tastaturen, hatte dementsprechend sehr viele Modelle vor mir liegen. Diese Tastatur aber übertrifft sie wirklich alle! Für lumpige 17 Euro bekommt man hier eine Tastatur, die ich unter fließendem Wasser...

Jun 2013

Brugeranmeldelse (edukas.fi)

A4Tech X7 G800


Kyseinen näppäimistö on ollut käytössä nyt noin 3-4 vuotta. Maksoi silloin, n. 40 e luokkaa. Ja oikeastaan mitään suurempaa moitetta ei ole. Napit ovat yhä hyvät tuntumaltaan ja jokainen niistä pelaa edelleen moitteetta. Jopa näppäinten...

Jul 2012

Brugeranmeldelse (ciao.de)

Die X7 ist sie die Beste Maus für 25 Euro ?


heute schreibe ich meinen neunten Erfahrungsbericht, wo ich über die A4 Tech X7 schreiben werde. Ich möchte gleich dazu sagen, das ich nur meine eigene Meinung hier äußern werde und auch nicht auf technische Details eingehe, da es sich wie gesagt um...

Preis TOP, DPI 5 Stufen, Optisch gut


Okt 2009

Prissammenligning for A4 Tech X7 G800 Gaming Keyboard

Ingen priser på dette produkt