Vivitek H9080FD

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Ekspertanmeldelse af : Trusted Reviews (

Vivitek H9080FD LED DLP Projector


For those that can afford it, the LED-lit Vivitek H9080FD DLP projector raises the picture quality bar to a whole new level.

Jun 2012

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Rik Henderson (

Vivitek H9080FD review


Vivitek's H9080FD is the world's first home cinema LED projector

Excellent colour fidelity ; Great definition ; Long lifespan

Not particularly bright ; Not going to win any beauty pageants

We don't mind the minor flaws compared to the huge advantages, but the huge price tag might make them harder to swallow for some

Aug 2009

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Tom Andry (

Vivitek H9080FD LED DLP Projector Preview


In the CEDIA demo, Vivitek's H9080FD LED Projector displayed images from Inception, Tron, and Iron Man 2 and we were suitably impressed with its color reproduction and sharpness.

Sep 2011

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Shane Buettner (

Vivitek H9080FD LED-Based DLP Projector


Price: $15,000 At A Glance: LEDs promise longevity, consistent performance • Excellent color • Good contrast mitigated by unrefined dynamic contrast performance Get the LED In The last few years have been a golden age for digital front projection in...

Maj 2010

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Anthony Arrigo (

Vivitek H9080FD


Here's the scoop: Whether the H9080FD or any other home theater projector, I always remind our readers that they need to take the photos provided with a grain - no, maybe a pound, of salt. In other words, the photos taken normally give a good, but not...

Great overall picture quality ; Very, very, good color accuracy after calibration ; Thanks to LED light source, projector will not dim as "lamp" ages ; Very good black levels, definitely an "ultra-high" contrast projector, though blacks not as good as...

The price tag - it's first generation LED projector, so its expensive ; Not a bright projector, its below average brightness in "best" mode. When you need maximum lumens it only has about one-third of the brightness of the brightest lower cost...

If the limited lumens, or the high sticker price due to the LED light source haven't intimidated you, then you can be the first on your block, no, probably first in your city, to enjoy the picture, and the novelty of a most impressive, LED light source...

Aug 2009

Ekspertanmeldelse af (

Vivitek H9080FD Review


The Vivitek H9080FD is revolutionary. It is more than just an LED projector - it is a serious home theater product that just happens to use LEDs for illumination.

Ekspertanmeldelse af : (

Vivitek H9080FD


Stosunkowo wysoka jasność, Bardzo dobra jakość obraz, Wysoki kontrast, Brak efektu tęczy, Możliwość rozbudowanej konfiguracji, Długa żywotność diod

Bardzo wysoka cena, Umiarkowanie cichy

Długo czekaliśmy na pierwszy projektor do kina domowego zbudowany z wykorzystaniem diod LED. Choć w naszych testach nie brakowało kilku LED-owych rzutników, to były to modele miniaturowe, przeznaczone do pracy z zasilaniem bateryjnym. W porównaniu do...

Aug 2010

Ekspertanmeldelse af (

Vivitek H9080FD


Sie sind überall: in Taschenlampen, in der Wohnzimmerleuchte, in Autoscheinwerfern und jetzt auch im Heimkino - LEDs. Schon seit geraumer Zeit geistern Gerüchte und Meldungen über Beamer mit Leuchtdioden als Lichtquelle durch die Szene, und es konnten...

Vivitek schafft es mit dem H9080FD auf Anhieb, eine neue Technik zu etablieren, welche in der Tat die Heimkinoprojektion revolutionieren könnte. Die im Test ausgemachten Probleme liegen größtenteils im Bereich kleinerer Korrekturen und sollten in...

Nov 2009

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