Ekspertanmeldelse af : Jerry Del Colliano (hometheaterreview.com)
The R-872 HDMI provides plenty of cutting edge features. As our review said, when you buy a Sherwood, "you get everything and the kitchen sink for a very fair price." Furthermore, the video up-conversion is better than you might expect from a $1,200...
For a shade under $1,200, the idea that you can get this many cutting edge features in one component is just absurd. I guess there are advantages for Sherwood in making everyone else's products, because when you buy a receiver from them, you get...
100 watts per channel is pretty good for a receiver, but if you have a larger room or have a penchant for cranking up the volume for long listening sessions, you might want to consider either a larger receiver with bigger amps and/or adding a separate...
Sherwood's R-872 is a true sleeper. I can't imagine they could pack any more features into this receiver, but I likely failed to discuss three-quarters of what this impressive receiver can do. In a world with HD audio formats for movie surround tracks...