Behringer A 500

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 52 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Folk kan virkelig godt lide pålideligheden. Også brugervenligheden imponerer, men størrelsen værdsættes ikke af mange.

pris, brugervenlighed, pålidelighed, design


Gennemsnitligt vurderede brugere dette produkt til 86/100.


(Baseret på 52 anmeldelser)

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Brugeranmeldelse ( review summary for Behringer A 500


alaTest has collected and analyzed 9 user reviews of Behringer A 500 from The average user rating for this product is 4.4/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.3/5 for other products in the same category on People really like the design and reliability. The usability and price also get good feedback. There are some negative comments about the size.

price, usability, reliability, design


100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse ( review summary for Behringer A 500


alaTest has collected and analyzed 28 user reviews of Behringer A 500 from The average user rating for this product is 4.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other products in the same category on Reviewers really like the usability. The reliability is also appreciated, whereas views about the size and design are mixed.

price, reliability, usability

93% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Ekspertanmeldelse af : ditalee (

专业音乐智能手机 联想乐Phone A500评测



Jan 2012

Ekspertanmeldelse af : 董晓龙 (

内置振动低音炮 联想乐Phone A500评测


泡泡网手机频道1月5日 新年伊始,小编为大家奉上第一款评测的手机是来自联想公司的音乐手机,型号:乐Phone A500。此前泡泡网也是对该机进行过报道,相信已经有网友对它有所了解。这是一款将音乐与智能完美的结合在一起的手机,如果你是一名音乐发烧友的话,可以好好关注一下这篇评测了。


Jan 2012

Ekspertanmeldelse af (

让音乐也智能 联想乐phone A500手机图赏


Phone A500开创性的采用瓷缸和震动双喇叭设计,集完美高音和震撼低音于一身。瓷缸喇叭挑战极致高音,完美演绎青藏高原和Vitas海豚音;震动喇叭历练完美低音,将低音炮植入小巧的手机空间中,让你感受随身音箱在口袋中震动的感觉!...

Dec 2011

Brugeranmeldelse (

Behringer A500 Amplifiers


I think everybody needs to take a look at this blind AB test where the A500 was compared against a 12000$ audiophile system:

Nov 2016

Brugeranmeldelse (

Behringer A500 Amplifiers


Well, let me firstly say that it's a shame that a supposedly German-design brand (Chinese-made, from Germany, just like the great sounding in this case hifi manufacturer "winning" solid state power amps but real honest ) makes a scum like this. This...

Dec 2014

Brugeranmeldelse (

Behringer A500 Amplifiers


I bought two of these after the dissapointing results(lack of bass, flimsy power button) I obtained with my Alesis RA500 I did not expected much but after connecting and let the system cooked for a while the results were as described in the Audiocritic...

Okt 2013

Brugeranmeldelse (

Behringer A500 Amplifiers


I bought my Behringer A500 used at a local music store. My existing home subwoofer amp was acting up, so I needed something quick. Since the receiver handles the basic crossover functions, this amp is very simple to set up and use. I don't have to...

Apr 2011

Brugeranmeldelse (

Behringer A500 Amplifiers


I had the Behringer A-500 on loan to try out on my 2 channel stereo system. I've been an enthusiast for over 30 years and have listened to everything from the Dynaco tube equipment to current Linn and Bryston equipment. I'm not an audiophile because I...

Maj 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (

Behringer A500 Amplifiers


Like the previous reviewer I also bought two of these amps but unlike him I am using them in a domestic situation, not in a studio. Unlike the guy from the studio I have never used my amps bridged as there is plenty of power for the average domestic...

Apr 2010

Brugeranmeldelse (

Behringer A500 Amplifiers


Bought 2 of these amps. Good for the money, but made too cheap for critical listening use. Compared to the Crowns & Brystons that we already had in the studio, the Behringers weren't as refined or polished sounding. The treble was harsh with certain...

Aug 2006

Prissammenligning for Behringer A 500

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