Koss SP330

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 189 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Anmeldere kan virkelig godt lide muligheden for at medtage. Også brugervenligheden imponerer, men pålideligheden værdsættes ikke af anmeldere.

lyd, pris, komfort, brugervenlighed, bærbar


Vi analyserede bruger- og ekspertratings, produktalder og andre faktorer. Sammenlignet med andre Hovedtelefoner får Koss SP330 en samlet alaScore™ på 83/100 = Meget God kvalitet.


(Baseret på 189 anmeldelser)



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Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Koss SP330


alaTest has collected and analyzed 53 user reviews of Koss SP330 from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 4.1/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other Headphones on Amazon.co.uk. Views about the design and portability are overall positive. The comfort and sound are also mentioned favorably, whereas many are critical about the reliability.

price, sound, comfort, portability, design


91% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.de)

Zusammenfassung der Amazon.de- Kundenbewertungen für Koss SP330


alaTest hat 68 Kundenbewertungen für Koss SP330 von Amazon.de zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.1/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 3.9/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Kopfhörer auf Amazon.de. Am positivsten ist den Testern der Klang und die Größe aufgefallen, auch die Verarbeitungsqualität wird gelobt.

Klang, Bedienbarkeit, Preisleistungsverhältnis, Verarbeitungsqualität, Größe

91% der Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon.de bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.fr)

Résumé des avis d’ Amazon.fr sur Koss SP330


alaTest a collecté et analysé 43 avis de consommateurs sur Amazon.fr pour le produit Koss SP330. La note moyenne du produit est 4.1 sur 5, tandis que les autres Casques Audio ont une note moyenne de 3.9 sur 5 sur Amazon.fr.

88% des avis sur Amazon.fr donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.ca)

Amazon.ca review summary for Koss SP330


alaTest has collected and analyzed 4 user reviews of Koss SP330 from Amazon.ca. The average user rating for this product is 3.3/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other Headphones on Amazon.ca. People are impressed by the price. The durability also gets good views. There are some negative views about the reliability, while there are some mixed opinions about the usability.

sound, durability, price


75% of the reviews on Amazon.ca give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per Koss SP330


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 1 recensioni utente su Koss SP330 da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 4.0/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.2/5 per altri Cuffie su Amazon.it.

100% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: Koss Sporta PRO Mini / leggereKoss Sporta PRO Mini / leggere

Mar 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.es)

Resumen de comentarios en Amazon.es sobre Koss SP330


alaTest ha recogido y analizado 3 comentarios de usuarios relacionados al producto Koss SP330 en Amazon.es. En promedio, la calificación de los usuarios para este producto es 4.3/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.1/5 de otros productos en la categoria Auriculares en Amazon.es.

100% de los comentarios en Amazon.es otorgan a este producto una calificación positiva.

Mar 2025

Ekspertanmeldelse af (cnet.com)

Koss SP330 On-ear Headphones


In terms of design, the SP330s have a more modern aesthetic than the PortaPros, but they're still very plain compared to competing models from Bose and MEElectronics . The headband is standard fare made from a thin piece of silver metal with a strip of...

The Koss SP330s are super-lightweight with the added convenience of a detachable cable, while their neutral soundstage amplifies a warm tonal response and tight, punchy bass.

Some users may experience ear fatigue due to the minimal padding underneath the headband. Also, the headphones don't fold up, and the cable doesn't have a microphone or remote control built in.

The Koss SP330 headphones are solid performers that will add a full signature to your music, but some audiophiles may find their design too basic for everyday use.

Mar 2015

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Justin Yu (cnet.com.au)

Koss SP330 (review): Blissfully accurate on-ear headphones with a lifetime warranty to boot


The Koss SP330 on-ear headphones combine style and sound into a slim package, but are they worth the $130 price tag? Read on to find out.

The Koss SP330s are super-lightweight with the added convenience of a detachable cable, while their neutral soundstage amplifies a warm tonal response and tight, punchy bass.

Some users may experience ear fatigue due to the minimal padding underneath the headband. Also, the headphones don't fold up, and the cable doesn't have a microphone or remote control built in.

The Koss SP330 headphones are solid performers that will add a full signature to your music, but some audiophiles may find their design too basic for everyday use.

Mar 2015

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Justin Yu (cnet.co.uk)

Koss SP330 (review): Blissfully accurate on-ear headphones with a lifetime warranty to boot


The Koss SP330 on-ear headphones combine style and sound into a slim package, but are they worth the $130 price tag? Read on to find out.

The Koss SP330s are super-lightweight with the added convenience of a detachable cable, while their neutral soundstage amplifies a warm tonal response and tight, punchy bass.

Some users may experience ear fatigue due to the minimal padding underneath the headband. Also, the headphones don't fold up, and the cable doesn't have a microphone or remote control built in.

The Koss SP330 headphones are solid performers that will add a full signature to your music, but some audiophiles may find their design too basic for everyday use.

Mar 2015

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Espen Irwing Swang (akam.no)

Koss SP330


Vi har sett nærmere på de tre nye hodetelefonene fra selskapet som skapte Porta Pro.

Dec 2014

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Espen Irwing Swang (tek.no)

Koss SP330


Vi har sett nærmere på de tre nye hodetelefonene fra selskapet som skapte Porta Pro.

En artig detalj ved Pro4S er muligheten for å flytte kabelen fra høyre til venstre klokke. Det er altså en 3,5 mm kontakt på hver side. Det gir også mulighet til å kjedekoble, slik at to kan lytte til samme lydkilde samtidig. Kobler du til et ekstra...

Dec 2014

Prissammenligning for Koss SP330

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