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alaTest Danmark, Alt om anmeldelser © 2005-2025 ICSS AB. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. Vilkår
307 anmeldelser
Mar 2025
alaTest har samlet og analyseret 307 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Anmeldere kan virkelig godt lide størrelsen. Også brugervenligheden imponerer, men pålideligheden værdsættes ikke af anmeldere.
pris, design, brugervenlighed, størrelse
Vi analyserede bruger- og ekspertratings, produktalder og andre faktorer. Sammenlignet med andre DVD-Afspillere får Samsung DVD HD870 en samlet alaScore™ på 87/100 = Meget God kvalitet.
Brugeranmeldelse (
alaTest has collected and analyzed 165 user reviews of Samsung DVD HD870 from The average user rating for this product is 4.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other DVD Players on People really like the design and usability, but there are some less positive opinions about the reliability.
price, usability, design
82% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.
Brugeranmeldelse (
alaTest has collected and analyzed 37 user reviews of Samsung DVD HD870 from The average user rating for this product is 3.1/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.6/5 for other DVD Players on People are impressed by the usability. The price is also mentioned favorably. There are some critical opinions about the reliability.
price, usability
57% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.
Ekspertanmeldelse af : staff (
Affordable and stylish, but lacking a few key features
Picture ; Design ; Picture adjustment otpions
No 1080p upscaling or other killer features
Undoubtedly a great DVD player with solid performance and nice features, but not quite good enough to overcome strong competition.
Ekspertanmeldelse af : staff (
Who said cheap has to be horrible?
Sleek design ; Disc compatability ; Upscaled pictures
HDMI/component usability issues ; No 5.1 decoding
Decent features and performance at a very competitive price
Ekspertanmeldelse af : (
The budget DVD market is a fearsomely competitive world, where obscure Far Eastern players made from what appears to be polystyrene do battle with stripped down players from bigger brands. King of this jungle at the moment is Toshiba's ££60 SD-370E,...
Ekspertanmeldelse af : Ian Morris (
With all the bluster about HD DVD and Blu-ray , you could be forgiven for thinking that it was the end of the road for the humble DVD player. In reality, however, the DVD player has plenty of life left in it yet.
Styling; features; picture quality.
Remote control; ugly menus; sluggish controls.
With support for lots of formats and a nifty upscaling feature, we wouldn't have a problem recommending the Samsung DVD-HD870 if you want to boost the picture quality of your DVD collection
Ekspertanmeldelse af (
There appears to be a competition among the major DVD player makers to see who can cram the most into a deck and charge the least for it. The Samsung DVD-HD870 won't upscale your DVD collection to 1080p, true, but there's enough here for the £70 price tag
Design and style, Price, Connectivity, Ease of use, Picture quality
No 1080p upscaling
A great-looking DVD player that's a solid picture performer, but if you want 1080p upscaling, avert your eyes now
Ekspertanmeldelse af (
En bra dvd-spelare som får ut det mesta av dvd-formatet. Testarna anser att den är lätthanterlig och erbjuder god bild.
Ekspertanmeldelse af : Maxtor (
Po delší době se opět podíváme na jeden z novějších modelů stolních DVD přehrávačů. Společnost Samsung na začátku léta kompletně obnovila své video-zábavní portfolio a nabídla tak několik zajímavých kousků za velmi příznivé ceny. S rostoucím zájmem o...
Líbivý design a kvalitní zpracování; Přehledné a příjemné softwarové rozhraní; Bezchybná podpora snad všech variací kodeku DivX; Slušná kvalita výstupů; Podpora v podobě kvalitně zpracovaného manuálu; V dané ceně překvapivě HDMI s Upscalingem
Rozměry zabraňující snadné integraci mezi ostatní komponenty (může ale být i plusem); Chybějící OGG Vorbis podpora; Chybějící "Win 1250" znaková sada pro text DivX titulků (pravděpodobně vyřeší hned první firmware update)
Samsung DVD-HD870 nám k recenzi zapůjčil, děkujeme. V tuto chvíli jej můžete na zakoupit za 2 282,- Kč včetně DPH.
Ekspertanmeldelse af (
Goede en betaalbare dvd-speler die ook in staat is om te upscalen tot 1080i. Verder beschikt hij over een HDMI aansluiting en past hij mooi bij het design van mijn tv.
Soms een beetje traagKwaliteit kan vast beter
Brugeranmeldelse (
Read the small print from newegg on this one. It is not refundable. Newegg will only replace it.
It works well with Divx. It playes DVD's nicely has a wide range of connectors. I like it overall
Does not play dual layer DVD-R/DVD+R ; Cannot change to region free
Brugeranmeldelse (
Looks great, matches my Samsung LCD perfectly, as does the well constructed remote.
Disappointing picture quality.